There Is So
Much CONTROVERSY Contained In This Book You Will Be Kept In
Conversation Topics For Years To Come...

The most valuable thing you can find
in today's world is the truth because it sets you free. I feel
extremely fortunate to have been afforded the privilege of
reading The GOD Driven Church. I'm sure it will change the
lives of everyone who reads it... It's the best book I have read in a long, long
Allan Wilson Author of many Christian
ebooks |
Dear Friend,
This book will throw the cat among the pigeons. You
may love it or hate it but you will not be able to ignore it or put
it down till you get to the last page.
There is so much controversy contained in this book
that you will be kept in conversation topics for years to come. It
is so controversial it will probably be banned in most churches.
Topics never before discussed openly in your home,
work place or church.
You will find simple answers to questions commonly asked by
Christians and sceptics alike!
- Discover where Cain got his wife from.
- How did all the animals fit into the ark?
- How to find Christian partners.
- What happened to the lost tribes of Israel?
- Will there ever be peace on earth?
- When do you go to heaven?
- Who really built the Great Pyramid?
- Why am I on this earth?
"A tour de force Pastor Jock! I'd
finish reading it, but I can't get near it now - Wendy (my
wife) has commandeered it! It's very, very good. What I want
to know is:- Where did you get the time?"
From Warren Sharrock, Pastor in London, UK and also a
History Teacher in a Private School for boys
Some of the other topics covered in this book:
- Christian Dating
- Marriage
- How to get saved
- Divine Healing
- Bible Prophecy
- Quality of Life
- The Latter Rain
- Life After Death
- Life Before Death
- Comfort
- Friendship
- How To Beat Loneliness
- How to get on with people and be a good leader
" Thanks for the book. It was
absolutely brilliant and very inspiring. I'm sure this will
benefit everyone reading this in our fellowship and beyond. We
have been going through a few trials recently, and this was a
breath of fresh air - a real send from the Lord to lift us up
and encourage us."
From Steve Gillespie, Pastor Liverpool, UK and also an
Engineer with Shell |
Download This Book If You Want Your Whole Life To Change
For All Time!
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Outstanding One Of Kind Bonus Offer If You
The GOD Driven Church
How would you like to have your questions answered by the author
of this book? Jock Duncan has been a dedicated servant of the Lord
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